CS-443 Blog: Shift Down testing

 CS@Worcester CS-443

 Testing software smarter, not harder: the shift-down strategy | Ministry of Testing

The article "Testing software smarter, not harder: the shift-down strategy" by Manish Saini discusses the importance of focusing test automation efforts closer to the code. This approach, known as shift-down testing, moves away from traditional UI-centric testing to thoroughly testing core code components such as APIs, business logic, and container-based integration. By addressing issues at the code level, the strategy aims to create more reliable and maintainable test suites, ultimately improving software quality.

The shift-down approach involves using mocks for external interactions to isolate and test individual code units effectively. This ensures that potential issues are identified and resolved early in the development process, reducing the overall testing effort required. The article highlights how shift-down testing can lead to more efficient and robust test automation, ultimately resulting in better software outcomes.

I think this article was pretty helpful in explaining the benefits of shift down testing. I think the article does a good job in explaining how this method identifies potential issues early in the development process, reducing the overall testing effort and improving software quality.


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